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Seventhman Blog

Are You Spending More Time on Bad Customers?

"bad customers"There’s an argument that bad salespeople lead to bad customers, if ever you’re wondering why you are attracting the wrong type of market to your business.  Perhaps, there is truth to this statement because when customers are made to focus on the pricing and features of your product, they end up not getting interested in the value you provide.  This is why they will continue to focus on price alone and if you’re running your business on a freemium model, the greatest challenge is how to convert them into paying subscribers. قانون البوكر   If you want to be a highly productive entrepreneur this year, I’d say it’s time to be honest in getting rid of the bad apples – for good.

Does Social Media Empower Bad Behavior?

There are many tales of brand-bashing last year that made me wonder how social media is creating a new bad when it comes to customer experience.  We’ve seen angry mobs take on a brand on social networks, spreading bad news like some digital wild fire.  There are many trolls who will add fuel to the fire and there’s just no sense of guilt since they’re bullying a brand, not a person.  It’s so easy to post a bad review under anonymity or a fake profile, those who do don’t feel any accountability over their actions. موقع وليام هيل للمراهنات   The boundary between freedom of speech and online bullying is yet to be defined…

The Customer is Always Right.. Not Really

I hate to break it to you, but this fallacy is what’s draining the life out of your team. Truth is, there’s such a thing as bad customers and they are:

1. The deadbeat client who won’t pay their invoices on time, for whatever reasons
2. The stingy customer who will always ask you to cut corners and make changes until you run out of business
3. The freeloader who will only stick with you if you provide everything for free for the longest time running
4. The terrorizing client who will use fear to get what s/he wants ( and get on everyone’s nerves as well )
5. That rude customer who loves to throw in the f-bombs and swear words you don’t really want to hear
6. That customer with constantly changing needs, who expect full service treatment on a tight budget
7. Those frequent complainers who connive to get some form of compensation from you – from full refunds to big discounts
8. The nit-pickers who will constantly check on you, expecting you to work like a seamless machine 24/7
9. The needy customer who will ask for endless advice and lots of attention
10. and those who simply do nothing.. after all the time, free advice, discounts and extra mile you have thrown in

Here’s the good news:  You can rehabilitate these bad eggs.  Most customers aren’t that bad, just ill-educated on the value that your business provides.  Persuading troublesome customers to become good ones can be a tough job and it’s your call to convert them into believers. ربح حقيقي من الانترنت

My Advice:  Know when it’s the right time to push away those who drag your business down.. so you can cultivate the right relationship and inspire loyalty instead.

Good Luck!

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